Tag: Masking

  • Premiere Pro CC 2014 IBC Update- New Features Coming our Way

    IBC is just around the corner, and with that comes what seems to be Adobe’s bi-yearly tradition of major updates to the video applications.

    There is so much to cover in this update to Premiere CC 2014, so let’s dive right in. Remember to read to the end because I will definitely save some of the best for last.


  • Premiere Pro CC – April 2014 – New Features

    Well, it’s that time again. NAB is just around the corner, and with that comes a ton of new software and new features! In this video we talk about the upcoming features that Adobe has announced for the upcoming version of Premiere Pro CC. There are tons of little features, but we cover the majority of these with 15 new features in all in this video. I know it’s a longer video so please stay with it. There is a lot to cover after all! The features we cover are as follows:

    1. Masking and tracking built into all effects in the timeline
    2. Reverse Match frame
    3. Maintain audio pitch while scrubbing
    4. Assign more than one keyboard shortcut to a command
    5. Media Browser favorites
    6. Set to Frame Size command
    7. Preserve intrinsics and effects when flatting multi cam
    8. Auto-save to cloud
    9. Marker names in markers panel
    10. Track backward selection
    11. Transparency Grids in the monitors
    12. Toogle all video and audio locks separately
    13. Voiceover recording setup
    14. Master Clip effects
    15. After Effects text templates

    One correction to the video: you can add control points to the polygonal mask by hitting cmd/cntl and clicking.

    For a full list of changes check out the Adobe Site here.

  • Premiere Pro CS6 & After Effects CS6 – Complex Masking using After Effects directly with Premiere Pro

    The masking tools in Premiere Pro leave a lot to be desired, in this tutorial, I explain how you can easily use After Effects to create masks for Premiere Pro. I discuss simple masking scenarios as well as more complex scenarios involving tracking.
