Tag: markers

  • Premiere Pro CC – April 2015- New Features Teaser

    While we don’t have our full in depth coverage of the upcoming release of Premiere Pro ready yet, we didn’t want to leave you guys hanging. The newly announced update to Premiere Pro features a bunch of small user enhancements and a few major features too. In this video we cover what we think are some of the best updates coming to Premiere Pro.

    • New Workspace Bar
    • The New Color Workspace and the Lumetri Color Panel
    • Clip Markers are now visible even when a track is collapsed.
    • Track Output Assignments in the Timeline
    • New Frame Hold Option to use Source Timecode
    • Increase on Handles in Project Manager and Render and Replace to 999
    • Ability to Relocate the Anchor Point Like After Effects
    • Ability to Hide Items in your Project panel
    • Morph Cut

    See the official announcement here:



  • Premiere Pro CC 2014 IBC Update- New Features Coming our Way

    IBC is just around the corner, and with that comes what seems to be Adobe’s bi-yearly tradition of major updates to the video applications.

    There is so much to cover in this update to Premiere CC 2014, so let’s dive right in. Remember to read to the end because I will definitely save some of the best for last.


  • Marker Features and Changes in Premiere Pro CC


    Markers saw a major overhaul in Premiere Pro CS6, and these features saw a few enhancements in Premiere CC. While these features may not address all of users issues with the marker system in Premiere, it certainly goes a long way to improving a few of the pain points.
