The fifth film in a series of shorts by Made by Hand was released today. It was directed and produced by Keith “keef” Ehrlich and edited in Final Cut Pro 7 by editor Matt Shapiro. The film details the story of bike maker Ezra Caldwell and his fight with cancer.
After doing his offline edit, Shapiro had his color correct done by Jamie O’Bradovich at Company 3, New York. He got his files transfered to Apple Prores 4444 and turned to reLink reTooled for the conform and relinking process.
Speaking to the conform process, Shapiro said, “The reLink reTooled app was incredibly efficient and easy to use. It made our conform process run extremely smooth when finishing our most recent ‘Made By Hand’ film. I can’t tell you how much time we saved over doing this manually.”
You can see the full site here:
The film has also been featured on Gizmodo: