10 Things Final Cut 7 Switchers Should Know about Premiere Pro CC

I often get asked by coworkers or colleagues, “What are the main differences between FCP7 and Premiere Pro?” And the truth is, there are a lot of similarities between the two applications, but there are also a ton of little differences. This video features 10 things that I think any new Premiere Pro users should know. This one is definitely on the longer side for our videos, but I think the tips are really helpful. So hangin there, and let us know if have any questions.

And the synopsis from Premium Beat:

10 things that FCP7 editors should know about Premiere Pro include:

  1. Scratch disks are project based
  2. There is less transcoding necessary
  3. Setting render codec (codec settings not as ‘important’)
  4. Partial renders on clips are not maintained
  5. Audio tracks are handled differently, stereo is on one track
  6. Premiere Pro has powerful audio sync tools
  7. Changes to simple editing (smoother process in Premiere)
  8. Copy and paste clips onto different tracks
  9. Scrubbing is possible in the Premiere Pro project panel
  10. Batch export in the background while editing

UPDATE: In terms of batch export, you can now queue it via, cmd-M with multiple clips selected. No more having to drag over to media encoder.

10 Premiere Pro CC Tips for Final Cut Pro Video Editors


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  1. […] from Retooled.net, a great online resource for video editing and post production tutorials and tips, has put together […]